Extract data from Google Analytic API with PHP

PHP class to extract data from Google Analytics using:

  • PHP
  • cURL to connect to Google Analytics Data Extract API
  • PHP DOMDocument to parse XML
  • Google Graph API to show analytic data

How to use

Download full source code here  -> GAAPI

Construct and use the class by include class file and call to construct with params: username, password and site id(from url in google analytic account “id=xxxxxxxx”)

$ga=new gaApi('google username','google password','ga:site id');
//e.g. ('myname@gmail.com','myPassword','ga:1234567');

Generate Report

To extract data from Analytic require some knowledge of Dimension and Metric from Google Analytic Data Extract API. Basically it is to combine data between Dimensions and Metrics to generate reports through method genReport(array). For examples:

$params = array ('metrics' 		=> 'ga:visits',
				'dimensions'	=> 'ga:source',
				'start-date' 	=> '2010-01-01',
				'end-date' 		=> '2010-02-09',
				'max-results' 	=> '5',
				'filter'		=> 'ga:source != (direct)',
				'sort'			=> '-ga:visits');

The result will be collection of array like this.

    [0] => Array
            [ga:source] => google
            [ga:visits] => 5029
    [1] => Array
            [ga:source] => xxxxxxx.com
            [ga:visits] => 162
    [2] => Array
            [ga:source] => search
            [ga:visits] => 49

Also there’s some pre-made method of frequency use statistic in the class such as:

$lastmonth=date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'));

//Summery: visitors, unique visit, pageview, time on site, new visits, bounce rates

//All time summery: visitors, page views

//Last 10 days visitors (for graph)

//Top 10 search engine keywords

//Top 10 visitor countries

//Top 10 page views

//Top 10 referrer websites

//Top 10 visitor browsers

//Top 10 visitor operating systems

Each method generate collection of array with dimension and metric name as key.

Download the code here -> Github GAAPI